Intentional Birth Parent Program

We are proud to partner with the founders of Intentional Birth to bring you this incredible childbirth education course. This class is offered as part of our Birth Doula Services Packages. Read below to learn more about the Intentional Birth Parent Program and how we’ve added this to our service offerings.

The Intentional Birth 9-Month Membership

Get the complete on-demand Intentional Birth video modules and resources, join twice-monthly live group mentoring sessions with Meredith & Alicia of Intentional Birth, and connect with a supportive community of like-minded parents. Plus, enjoy the flexibility of extending your membership if needed. Join us on this powerful journey toward a positive birthing experience.

Keep reading below to discover how this program can support your pregnancy and birth!

We have a different story to tell about birth.

Birth is not an emergency waiting to sweep you away.

It's a mountain with known paths, and many safe routes to the top!

Just like a good mountain climb, birth is demanding. And like climbing a mountain, people choose the challenge—not only because of the joy of the summit, but because of the strength and wisdom they gain along the way.

We're ready to help you find your own path.

This is your trailhead.

Every birth is its own unique journey, but a little intentionality goes a long way!

The class will show you:

  • Simple daily habits to prepare your body

  • How to cultivate a mindset of acceptance and commitment

  • Where to find the best and most evidence-based information

The class will show your partner:

  • How to support you in body, mind, and spirit


And you can!

The secret to a healthy, positive birth is in the right tools and the right team. This class will teach you:

  • Your birthing options and alternatives

  • How to communicate effectively with your care providers

  • How to make informed decisions confidently, and choose the interventions you want!

  • How to build a supportive team


This class will show you how.

We believe in being truth tellers and this class will tell you the honest truth about birth.

  • The SCIENCE behind the birth process

  • The SAGE WISDOM of birth experts

  • The STORIES of intentional parents who have gone before you

As your baby grows within you, so will confidence, acceptance, and purpose!

What’s inside the course:

20+ hours of video instruction
A beautiful blend of science, sage wisdom, and stories. Drip-fed over 6 weeks, but you can go at your own pace!

200 page printable workbook
and hundreds of links to further reading if you want it!

Ready for the new childbirth education?

  • No more talking to women as if their bodies might fail them at any moment.

  • No more acting like women's deeply held desires and values are mere "preferences" that can be easily discarded if necessary.

  • No more preparing women for an unmedicated vaginal birth, and leaving them high and dry if they choose an epidural, induction, or cesarean.

  • No more pretending that a natural birth comes naturally to every woman without some intentional preparation of body, mind, environment, and team.

It's time for the truth. And it's better than you ever imagined!

Our partnership with Intentional Birth allows us to offer this amazing class to our birth doula clients for the the incredible value of $200 (value $397)

This is only included with our Birth Doula Services packages.